My company Two Oaks Design partners with the international shoe brand VIBAe to create customized illustrations and graphic renderings of specific locations that correspond with each shoe name, such as Zuma, Roma, Porto and Helsinki. As the shoes get launched, the illustrations are released as prints at the same time. With every shoe, two to four illustrations are made for each location. Each illustration captures the precise atmosphere and tone of each location depicted. The graphic stylization adds a modern flare to each historic location.
Currently, we have collaborated on 5 different launches, with 11 diverse illustrations and have sold over 300 prints. We have developed prints based on Zuma, Rome, Porto, Helsinki and Joshua Tree.

Porto 1, 2021, 30'' x 22'', procreate

Joshua Tree, 2022, 30'' x 22'', procreate

Zuma 2, 2020, 30'' x 22'', procreate

Roma 2, 2021, 30'' x 22'', procreate

Roma 1, 2021, 30'' x 22'', procreate

Helsinki 1, 2021, 30'' x 22'', procreate

Helsinki 2, 2021, 30'' x 22'', procreate

Zuma 1, 2020, 30'' x 22'', procreate

Zuma 3, 2020, 30'' x 22'', procreate

Zuma 4, 2020, 30'' x 22'', procreate

Porto 2, 2021, 30'' x 22'', procreate